Roof Heights

We are often asked to provide detailed information regarding roof heights at various points in our Kayam and Valhalla range of sections.

We can only supply computer models based on a “perfect environment”.

Due to the nature of a tensile structure and topography of the ground we cannot always guarantee certain heights.

We therefore performed a detailed roof survey with a laser measuring device and the results are below.

Kayam Laser Height Survey PDF Download
Valhalla Laser Height Survey PDF Download
Stage Cover Laser Height Survey PDF Download

Actual roof heights may vary slightly with uneven sites, and a minimal amount of roof deflection may occur in high winds.

So for any structures placed inside the tent please allow a minimum of 300mm clearance from the roof heights shown for Kayam and Concert Tent and 500mm for Valhalla.

Kayam & Concert Tent roof heights

Valhalla roof heights